It's Been A While Since I ...
--Priyanka Shruti
1 minute read
Jan 27, 2015


It's been a while since I last posted. 2014 held a lot of surprises for me, a lot of changes. It shook me out of my comfort zone and into the unknown. It was scary, but I realized eventually it was an important part of life. Sometimes it happens to people sooner, and to other later in life. It was something rather interesting to experience, and definitely a time for growth. The posts of service space, daily good, kind spring and Awakin Wednesdays helped me, inspired me, and kept the hope going. After about a year, am excited to host Awakin meditations again, and get active in the community again. The most important thing I learnt from the 2014 is that no matter what, never forget to smile, never forget to be kind, even in the smallest capacity. ^_^


Posted by Priyanka Shruti on Jan 27, 2015

2 Past Reflections