Hands, Head, And Heart In Bangalore
--Anupreet Kaur
1 minute read
Oct 29, 2013


There was this young boy, who was going to light the lamp in the temple. Normally his mother used to go, but since his mother was ill, the young boy took in on himself to light the lamp everyday. One gentleman saw this young boy, and wanted to test him, so he asked him "What are you doing?" "I am lighting the lamp" the young boy said. Saying this the boy lit the lamp. "Do you know where the flame come from?" Gentleman asked the young boy Young boy got very perplexed for some time, then one spark of inspiration came to him, and he extinguished the flame with this hand. "Can you tell me where the flame has gone?", he asked the gentleman.. :) Such and many more stories of inspiration emerged: Hands, Head, Heart in Bangalore


Posted by Anupreet Kaur on Oct 29, 2013