Sakshi's Birthday
--Yogesh Mathuria
2 minute read
Jul 17, 2013


Last week was my younger daughter Sakshi's 15th birthday. She had decided to celebrate it differently - Inspired by a TED talk and the SMILE Decks she decided to gift roses with sweets to the police personnel in our neighbourhood, thanking each of them for their good work.

We went first to Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali police station seeking their approval for the same, to my delight they promptly agreed and appreciated her good gesture. Immediately enthused by their delightful response we went and procured roses and sweets from market, by the time we went back to police station we found only two policemen around, most of policemen had left for duty. Any ways, we decided to go to Kandivali main police station on reaching here we noticed a large crowd in the campus.

Bit hesitantly we entered the police station gate and we saw a senior officer was coming out. As he moved out we asked a policeman standing behind him for permission. He guided us back to the same Senior officer. We rushed back to main gate and approached the officer without realizing he was head of Kandivali police station, he deeply appreciated Sakshi's intention and personally blessed her to 1000 years of healthy life. As we went from rooms to rooms distributing Roses and Sweets, she was blessed with some mind boggling words of blessings and comments. 

In all it was a very satisfying experience for me, as a matter of fact I felt blessed by the great gesture of Sakshi and the wonderful support of Vijai Yadav - my office manager.

Love and love only.



Posted by Yogesh Mathuria on Jul 17, 2013

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