Work As Intimacy

Welcome to Work+Transformation!  This months newsletter focuses on the idea of intimacy as a workplace phenomenon.  Intimacy with others, intimacy within.  For most, this is not an easy topic!  Enjoy!  Regards, Birju

David Whyte on Work

The renown poet, David Whyte, is getting more and more serious about applying poetry to the workplace. It invites better performance, yes, but also a redefinition of performance. Here he writes an essay on the topic of intimacy as a workplace opportunity. Read Full Story »

Business as a Vehicle for Enlightenment

Recent talk by Joe Hudson, an investor, consultant, and teacher focused on self-discovery in the workplace. How to invite a workplace where concepts like purpose and meaning are pushed hard - all the way to the idea of a workplace that supports enlightenment? Read Full Story »

Unexpected Workplaces Practicing Mindfulness

At concert calls, police departments, and even the government. Group mindfulness practice is popping up at more and more places, and being seen as more of a 'basic component' of workplace than ever before... Read Full Story »

Economic Transformation From A Zen Perspective

We know our economic system operates with an assumption of human values. We know that our collective values are evolving. This essay from Transformation Magazine outlines how the perspectives of Zen practice invites ways to engage right now, in our current paradigm. Read Full Story »

Be the Change

Here's a potentially tough one - invite intimacy in your workplace.  In some form or the other.  Could be internally, could be one on one, could be as a collective.  We are referring to an intimacy related to authenticity and vulnerability of mind.  And we invite it not as a 'leap' from where you are today, but one more step in that direction.  Please do write us if you try it out!