Teaching+T: Kindness, Dogs, And Ethics

From school kindness club, to reading to non-human friends, to navigating classroom situations of right and wrong -- the stories below find creative ways to imbue deeper lessons in the spaces between the usual math and language arts. --Daniela

School Kindness Flash Mob

Struggling with stress and adversity, Sabrina Ma started a kindness club at her high school that has since mushroomed from 10 to 300 members and rippled to 27 other schools. decided to "Everyone's more happy, the school's a less stressful place" her classmates observe. Read Full Story »

Read To A Dog

"Reading to a dog is just much more fun than reading to your parent or teacher. Dogs listen to you; they don't care if the story is made up or if it's the wrong word." Davenport Library's monthly Read To A Dog program helps cultivate a love of reading for children who are not ready to read on their own. Read Full Story »

How To Talk Ethics in the Classroom

"That's not fair!" "She hit me on purpose." "He's not following the rules." Issues of right and wrong come up in classrooms all the time, and it can be hard to know how to deal with them. Research suggests a 3-part framework. Read Full Story »

'Be The Change' Idea

As the first story inspires, do a random act of kindness today.