Teaching+T: Know Thyself

Learning about ourselves is an education of a lifetime. The stories below bring students aged four through university to a running start, as they engage in learning spaces that invite them to encounter the age-old curriculum to "know thyself" -- and in so doing, to grow in kindness, purpose, and the "experience" of experiments. --Daniela

Can Kindness Be Taught?

"Our world is kind of a scary place," Ms. Mahoney-Kertes said. "We can't always control what is happening outside us. But what we're teaching [students] is that they can control how they respond." Read Full Story »

25 Years of Schumacher College

"This is not like any other place I've studied in. I did not expect to learn so much here about myself, about others. It's like learning about life," reflects a post-grad from Belgium, as she chops carrots with classmates in a steamy kitchen. Read Full Story »

Toothpaste Experiment

One elementary educator divulges a science lesson on kindness ... using toothpaste. Moral of the story: It's as easy to take back unkind words as it is to put toothpaste back into its tube. :) Read Full Story »

'Be The Change' Idea

Take breaks throughout your day. Give yourself space to choose how to respond to the thoughts, emotions, and stimuli that stir up around you.