Teaching+T: Attitude Of Gratitude

As November sinks into Thanksgiving, the quality of gratitude wafts through fallen leaves and into classroom lesson plans. The pieces below shine light on research-backed benefits, law school stories, and hands-on activities around cultivating gratitude in school. --Daniela

How to Foster Gratitude in Schools

Researchers Jeffrey Froh and Giacomo Bono chronicle the influence and impacts of gratitude in education -- with best practices to support its emergence in your local school. Read Full Story »

When Alumni Remember

When UChicago Law School asks alumni to talk about their professors, the question sparks eyes a-glow. They recall the teaching, humor in the classroom, a conversation over coffee. And, above all, how the time spent with that professor is deeply memorable years and decades later. Read Full Story »

The Best Kind of Graffiti

Armed with markers, students at Clinton School in New Jersey are invited to write on the walls. Lined with butcher paper and the question: "What are you grateful for?" the cafeteria room "graffiti" sparks smiles across campus. Read Full Story »

'Be The Change' Idea

Express extra appreciation to your students, teachers, and colleagues this week. Step-it-up by engaging a group gratitude activity. [more]