Remapping Relationships

Re-imagine the world, literally, through award winning 'maps of the world' by kids from 34 countries submitted to the bi-annual Barbara Petchenik Children’s Map Competition. Now what kind of human to human relationships are possible in such a kinspired (kids inspired) world? Explore some social permaculture principles that closely mirror Service Space approaches.

Remapping the world
The maps submitted this year to the bi-annual Barbara Petchenik Children’s Map Competition range from adorable to masterful... The theme for the contest this year was “We Love Maps,” which elicited lots of hearts, including one that used a heart-shaped map projection by 12-year-old Colegio Arturo Soria of Spain. The judges couldn’t choose just one map for the creativity award, which is shared this year by 4-year-old Urteja Kardašiute of Lithuania for a heart-warming image of the Earth and Sun holding hands as friends. Read Full Story »

Social Permaculture
No matter how visionary and inspired the founders, only about one out of ten new communities actually get built. The other 90 per cent seemed to go nowhere, occasionally because of lack of money or not finding the right land, but mostly because of conflict... Our human relationships are our biggest constraining factor in the work of transforming society. So, is there a way to do them better? Here are a few Social Permaculture principles by Starhawk, a reputed permaculture teacher. Read Full Story »

'Be the Change' Idea: Explore the archive of the Barbara Petchenik Children's Map Competition and try drawing a map of the world the way you see it, may be with kids. Inspired by a scene in the Tom Cruise movie Knight and Day, note down and share all that comes to your mind when you hear the phrase, "with me, without me" in the context of designing for nurturing great relationships.