What do Auroville in south India and La Plata, Missouri have in common? Aviram Rozin and Ethan Hughes, of course! Both live on their own forests (co-created with others) that attract thousands of visitors and volunteers every year. Both practice Gift Economy by offering their places, services and themselves as gifts to the world.
Sadhana: Losing the money for the forest
If you want to be a forester, do it with the best intentions at heart. Don’t do it with the idea, “How will I cut the trees and make money out of them.” But do everything with the highest and best intentions. Leave the rest. Don’t be fearful of the consequences. If you are doing the thing with the best intentions, there will be no failure... I’ve seen it happening in my own life. I finished my personal money in 2014. I don’t have “personal” money. Since then I have survived. My family survives. I survive. I can travel to do my work. I’m not rich. I don’t have fancy stuff. I have a place to sleep. I have food to eat. I never worry about my future. Read Full Story »
Possibility Alliance: 80 acres of pure giving
I was never certified (in permaculture) because it averaged about $1,500, which was half the amount of money my family was living on for an entire year. Van Jones, an activist on the West Coast, coined a term called “eco-apartheid.” Middle-upper-class environmentalists are demanding that low-income folks “green” themselves, yet all the information comes with a price tag. Seeing that gap really inspired me to create a free educational center, so nobody would be excluded. We now offer the first by-donation permaculture certification in the world. Over a million people have been certified, all around the world. We’re really proud that we can allow someone in debt or without money to come here and learn some amazing ecological and homesteading science. Read Full Story »
'Be the Change' Idea: We think Aviram and Ethan may not know each other! So, if you are inspired, get to know them in person by volunteering at their forests and introduce them to each other :)