Laddership News: Global Circles

This month we have stories from different parts of the world: Vietnam and Spain. Both describe so eloquently of the transformative power of circles, binding hearts, minds and hands in gentle ripples across borders, whether internal or physical.  --Nicole and Jane

21 Days of Opening The Heart

Giang brings us news from Vietnam of a beautiful act of creation-- by lots of people! a 21-day Heart Opening Book created by volunteers who wrote the text together: children, farmers, students, teachers, aged from 7 to 67. [more]

Updates From Spain

Joserra writes about the growing ecosystem in Burgos, Spain. His elegant description of their weekly Awakin Circle: ‘every circle is a chant to collective wisdom and transformation’ perfectly captures the circles taking place around the globe each week, whether awakin, olla común or circles of abundance. [more]

And Psssst ...

In case you missed it, a recent interview with Meghna — on Inner Transformation & Service!