Awakening to the Love of Gorillas

April 10, 2022

Quote of the Week

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -- Anatole France

Awakening To The Love Of Gorillas

This week we bring you an inspiring video most definitely to be enjoyed with the child(ren) in your life!

A gorilla born in captivity at a breeding and rescue centre for endangered animals is reunited 5 years later with two people who helped to raise him, including a teenage girl. Watching this reunion reminds us how deeply we are connected to our fellow primates and the big love these animals are capable of cultivating.  They deserve every bit of our kindness and love, so let's do all we can to protect endangered animals and their natural environments.

Watch Video

Reading Corner

Title: The Most Endangered: Gorillas
By: Katie Marsico
Ages: 8+

"Learn what is causing gorillas to disappear and what people are doing to save them from extinction. In the wild, they face few natural enemies. However, human activities are threatening these animals' survival. Readers (Grades 3-5) will learn what life is like for wild gorillas and why these amazing animals are an important part of the natural world." - Publisher

Be the Change

Let's do our part to protect gorillas and the environments in which they live so they can continue to flourish in the wild. Learn more about gorillas and what we can do to help protect these endangered animals, who, by 2030, may have less than 10% of their natural habitat remaining in the world.