Happy Family 2022

January 22, 2022

Quote of the Week

"What can you do to promote world peace?" "Go home and love your family." - Mother Teresa

5 Little Things You Can Do As A Family To Have A Happier 2022

"Around this time last year, everyone was hopeful that 2021 would be the year we'd return to a somewhat normal life. But now, nearly two years into the pandemic, we remain skeptically optimistic about what the future holds.

In many ways, it feels like we are still living in the year 2020. After all, numerous facets of our lives are altered or remain at a standstill. But the world hasn't stopped spinning, and we recognize that the impact of COVID-19 is ever-evolving. This reality is leaving parents everywhere to ask, how will the long-term effects of the pandemic alter my family? And more importantly, what can I do to make sure we are still happy despite navigating unfamiliar territory?

We may not have a crystal ball to paint a pretty picture of the future, but these are some helpful, little ways parents can ensure their families have a happier 2022, regardless of the uncertainty. Let prioritizing these tips be your new year resolution." - [read more]

Reading Corner

Title: A Family Is a Family Is a Family

By: Sara O'Leary

Ages: 4-8

"When a teacher asks the children in her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are all different in many ways — but the same in the one way that matters most of all.

One child is worried that her family is just too different to explain, but listens as her classmates talk about what makes their families special. One is raised by a grandmother, and another has two dads. One is full of stepsiblings, and another has a new baby.

As one by one, her classmates describe who they live with and who loves them — family of every shape, size and every kind of relation — the child realizes that as long as her family is full of caring people, her family is special." - Publishers

Be the Change

Nurturing a happy family takes time and effort. And as we still continue to navigate between the lockdowns and meltdowns - let's pause to make some refreshing additions that can invite us to a renewed 2022. Taking some tips from this week's article, what are your resolutions as a family for this year? If inspired, do share your resolutions with the Kindful Kids community to spread more joy.