Teaching Young Children About Climate Change

January 25, 2020

Quote of the Week

"We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place or not bother." --Jane Goodall

How To Teach Young Students About Climate Change

"When it comes to teaching young learners about issues like climate change, reading from a textbook probably won’t be as impactful as other methods.  Kids need to learn about climate change as a fact that will determine their future, but it’s also a complex issue that may be difficult to digest at such an early age.

How do you tell children that animals are dying from swallowing too much plastic, or that large corporations are causing deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions that threaten life on Earth?"  This week's featured article shares effective ways that parents and teachers can teach young children about climate change. [read more]

Reading Corner

Title: Not for me, please!: I choose to act green
By: Maria Godsey
Ages: 6-9 yrs

"Join Luke on his journey to protect what he loves with this engaging children's picture book about sustainability and acting green. After noticing the damage caused to the environment and animals due to trash and waste, Luke decides to take action. He believes he can have a big impact on the world around him and invites his readers to join him!

Using his phrase, ‘Not for me, please!’ Luke role models how children can harness their inner super-hero and help protect the environment. He introduces the concept of Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse through relatable examples children can understand. The rhyming story is catchy and the illustrations are captivating." - Publishers

Be the Change

"Children need to hear positive facts about the world around them, it’s not all doom and gloom. There are lots of great ways environmentally friendly families can cut down on waste and pollution, and you can teach your children to be the ones to set the example through activities and play."   Some of these ideas could include turning taps off when not in use, limiting use of the car when you can use other eco-friendly means of transport and avoiding use of plastic bags!  [more ideas]