Summer Kindness Ideas for Families

June 01, 2019

Quote of the Week

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time." --John Lubbock

Summer Kindness Ideas For Families

Longer days and summer vacation mean more "down" time and hopefully more family time. Summer can be a time for renewal and taking a pause from the usual routine. How can families make the most of this time of year? A "Summer Bucket List" brainstorm might help your family come up with new ways of spending this precious time together. Some questions to get you started: "What leaves us feeling recharged? How can we do more of those things?", "What do we need a break from?", "What do we want to learn?" Many of these will yield ideas for random acts of kindness to do together as a family and all of them will leave your family with treasured memories. This article featuring the Wellness Mama's Summer Bucket List is a great place to get started with suggestions on how to make this summertime both energizing and meaningful for your family.  

Reading Corner

Title: Should I Share My Ice Cream?
By: Mo Willems
Ages: 3-8

"You can’t go wrong with the Elephant and Piggie series. For a kid, the decision to be kind doesn’t get more difficult than deciding whether to share your ice cream with a friend. My favorite line is when Gerald rationalizes his decision: Sharing a flavor Piggie does not like would be wrong.”
--Kelly Holmes

Be the Change

Try out any of the great ideas for summer acts of kindness suggested in this link or this one and commit to regularly doing them every week as a family.  Have your children choose one random act of summer kindness every day from a jar. Have fun as a family making your own personalized RAOK summer calendar!