The Gift of Raising a Conscious Child

September 29, 2018

Quote of the Week

"Spirit must be cultivated; it must be nourished and encouraged. If it is, then a child's innocent spirit grows up to be strong enough to withstand the harsh realities of an often unspiritual world." -- Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents

Raising Children To Be Happy, Healthy And Complete

"Parents today are overwhelmed with demands on how to raise their kids. We want the very best for our kids. We want them to be smart, athletic, healthy, kind, happy, polite, disciplined, creative and more. We want to give them everything! And before everything, we focus on getting them into good schools so that they can have the best possible education.

Kids on the other hand, are growing up bombarded by technology, needing to compete in every way, comparing themselves with others, trying to be perfect and please their parents, wanting to fit in. As a result, they are often anxious, stressed at a very young age, display behavioural issues, have little self esteem and are simply not happy.

So, from the parents whose intention is so sincere, to the kids who are trying to keep up on all fronts, what needs to change? What is missing?

We need to look at the whole experience of raising our children as a spiritual one, where having conscious kids go out in the world is more important than anything we can teach them. Here’s why raising them as conscious individuals is the best gift you can give to your children." [read more]

Reading Corner

Title: The Giggles and Joy Trilogy (You Are Loved, Being You, Giggles and Joy)
By: Ariane de Bonvoisin
Ages: 3-10

Why?  "Gorgeous book! Life changing for children. It is exactly what is needed in this modern age of technology that seems to reduce our connection to the real humanity available within us. These books connect our children back to what is true, real and beautiful in life. These books remind us all that while tech provides so many wonderful things in this world, the most important part of life is our soul and spirit and our in person connection to others. I have been delighted to gift these books to so many children. Such wisdom for both children AND adults... Truly enjoy the journey... " -- Amazon Reviewer

Be the Change

Reflect on what it means to you to raise a conscious child and a conscious family. Plant seeds for one or two simple shifts or practices your family can embrace in coming weeks to support you in feeling more complete on this journey through life.