Quote of the Week
"Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?" --Henry David Thoreau
How To Raise Inclusive Kids
Inclusion is a fundamental aspect of human psychology and social development. It goes beyond simply being present in a group; it's about feeling valued, respected, and understood for who you are. When individuals experience inclusion, they develop a profound sense of belonging; this enhances their motivation and fulfillment. [...]
Inclusion begins at home. If we can build a sense of belonging, safety, trust, and understanding in our families, we’ll have the building blocks to build inclusivity in our workplaces and communities. As a parent or someone with kids in your life, you play a critical role in shaping children's understanding of inclusion from an early age. Children learn social norms implicitly through observation and imitation. You can influence inclusive behaviors and values in their daily interactions.
Here are some ways you can do this: 1) Role model inclusion. 2) Be prepared to educate your children about topics and identities they might find strange, new, or confusing. 3) Discuss experiences of exclusion. 4) Don’t be too quick to "rescue" your child from challenges or adversity. Read more in this week's article from Psychology Today magazine.
Reading Corner
Title: Drawn To Be You
By: Corey and Andrea Landreth with Jefferson Knapp, Illustrated by Trent Landreth
Ages: 4-9
"We are all different. Our physical appearance, personality and little quirks make us unique. But most of the time, the things that some may consider 'different', are actually a part of a big story in which all of us have a place. Through the eyes of an amazingly gifted artist who has autism, Trent Landreth's illustrations give the reader a glimpse into a new way of looking at the world. Authors Corey and Andrea Landreth's words will show you the fun in discovering the differences we all have and reassuring the reader that you were 'Drawn to Be You''."
Recommended by Kindful Kids Editors
Be The Change
After reading the book "Drawn To Be You" with your kids, explore differences and similarities through drawing and learn more about artist Trent and his family here. You can also watch him draw some amazing animals on a trampoline.

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