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July 08 2023

Kindful Kids Weekly

Quote of the Week

"Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Crocheting Kindness

This week we are happy to share about the inspiring story of Jonah, the 15-year-old crocheting prodigy who donates his profits to Ethiopian kids in need. What began as a hobby around age 5 has blossomed into a beautiful entrepreneurial venture and also an initiative to spread love and generosity. Crocheting is an activity that deeply nourishes him and he once said: “After a very hard, busy, chaotic day in this busy world with school, it’s just nice to know that I can come home and crochet in my little corner of the house while sitting by the one I love most: my mom.”

Earlier this year when Jonah was recognized with an Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, he shared "Philanthropy doesn’t require a talent or platform, but rather an understanding that each of us can contribute with a giving heart. You can even start with something as simple as a ball of yarn and a hook, as in my case." 
[Read More]

Reading Corner

Title: Kindness Makes us Strong
By: Sophie Beer
For: Age 1 to 5+

Kindness is a friendly hello. A roaring cheer. A quick boost. Kindness is what makes us strong! This joyful board book shows various children as they extend kindness in all kinds of situations: on the playground, at lunchtime, on a bike path, and on a neighborhood street. This sweet preschool read-aloud shows the way kindness helps build friendship and community.

Recommended by Kindful Kids Editors

Be The Change

Make a simple hand-made gift or a letter and offer it to someone with a love-filled message.

Kindful Kids newsletter is a resource for parents who are keen to teach children about compassion and service. It reaches 3,910 subscribers. You can unsubscribe here.


Kindful Kids was formed in the spring of 2011, to serve as a resource for parents who are keen to teach children about compassion and service. It is a project of ServiceSpace.


Meghna, Deven, Trishna, Neha and Brinda are currently volunteer editors for this newsletter. If you have any content recommendations for this newsletter, we would love to hear from you!

Book Club

Have you come across a book that kids or grown-ups might find inspiring? Please complete this simple form to share your recommendation with the Kindful Kids Community so we can add it to our growing Kindful Kids Book List!


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