About Me  

I'm joining Service Space because ... Satsang

A good day to me is when ... I realize that the day flew by

My hero in life is ...J Krishnamurti

My favorite book is ...Freedom from the Known

One thing I'm grateful for is ... The good food that always comes my way. Very grateful.

J. Krishnamurti On Deep Intelligence

Nov 06, 2018, 9 smiles [Below is a talk by J. Krishnamurti, on July 14 1974 in Saaneen. I thought a lot of you might enjoy reading it.] Thought has created this world, the world of politics, the world of economics, the world of business, of social morality and all the religious structures. All our problems and all our desires to find answers to problems are within that consciousness, within the field that thought has created. So thought is trying to find answers to the mess it has made in our personal relationships, in our relationship with the community. Even your meditations, even your gods, your Christs, and your Buddhas are the creations of thought, which is matter, which can only operate within the field of time. We think that through thought, through will, through ambition, through drive and aggression, through substituting new religions for the old traditions, we can solve all the problems of personal ... Read Full Story

Geese Inspired Goose Bumps

Feb 16, 2018, 12 smiles At last Wednesday's Awakin Circle, we heard the remarkable story of Dacher's encounter with the geese -- and his subsequent research on awe. I was in Bhutan with my dear friend, Lief. We were in a little village that revolved around these snow geese that migrate to Bhutan. They're big birds. The villagers see them, they name them, they each have individual identities. The whole village revolves around them, and they have this great relationship to them. They're these big, beautiful birds, and I think there are only 5,500 in the world. They migrate to Siberia. As we were about to head to this monastery to visit this Buddhist monastery, people were telling us, "Well, you know, this monastery is special because when the birds migrate to Siberia, they fly up through this valley and they go seven miles away to this monastery, and then they fly around the prayer ... Read Full Story