A Few Weeks Ago, Makala Kozo ...
--Bradley Stoll
1 minute read
Apr 3, 2015


A few weeks ago, Makala Kozo posted about a friend of his, RaRa, who is one of many innocent beings in prison. I wrote RaRa a letter, trying to help her on her bucket list. I wasn't sure if it'd ever get to her, but if it did, I knew she would write back. Yesterday, I was blessed to receive a letter in her beautiful penmanship. I feel lucky that my letter even made it to RaRa, as she has moved to a new address; for that, I'm grateful to the mail system in our prisons, I suppose. Like I, RaRa said how she feels she already knows me. Maybe that's the power of Makala


Posted by Bradley Stoll on Apr 3, 2015

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