INTENTION: Collectively explore what happens when we are all SILENT together, and we LISTEN to the call in our Heart of the Infinite One who has many names? What might EMERGE when we MERGE into the sacred now, together. We invite you to an agenda-less, free-flowing group conversation, where we speak as Spirit moves us and engage in the practice of deep, compassionate listening. 

BACKGROUND: There is no such thing as Muslim Silence, Hindu Silence, Christian Silence, Buddhist Silence, or Jewish Silence. Silence has been a powerful unifier for us. As Pod Room hosts, both Paulette and Arun, feel that Silence belongs to all faiths. It is like the common sky that we all share.  Similar to the practice around Quaker faith, we attempt to reach a common understanding, experiencing everyone's point of view fully, equally, and nonjudgmentally. 

If you can join us, please RSVP below. As we have a quorum of interest, you'll be notified of the zoom login details. Thank you for your big hearts.