Daily acts of kindness

INTENTION: To undertake daily acts of kindness and see what it brings up. 

BACKGROUND: As I was thinking of how to be of service, the thought came that I could just do an act of kindness and start immediately to be of service to others, also species, and our planet :) As part of my Day 16 canvas, I formed an intention to do an act of kindness, each day, at least for rest of 2021.  

CONTEXT: Reading other's shares, and the reflections on posts has pushed me to think, re-think on a number of issues at different points of time. It helps expand one's horizon, no matter if it's in the same direction or maybe an alternate thought/experience that could give a different perspective :) thankful for that 🙏🏼🌸 

I will be delighted to connect with podmates who may have been doing small acts of kindness as a practice and also those who feel drawn to try similar experiments. It would be great if we can share stories, key learnings, edges and to perhaps explore opportunities of doing it together.