Money Out The Window
--Alissa Hauser
2 minute read
Jul 23, 2012


We so often say about something that is expensive or a waste of money, "That's like throwing money out the window!!!"   But throwing money out the window is one of the most fun and liberating things I've ever done!  I used to work in a 13th floor office in Downtown Oakland, CA and every time I was in the office, I would throw money out the window.  I was very strict about not looking at where it went once it left my hand.  Sometimes a coworker or visitor to our office would get inspired and also throw their own money out the window too.  In throwing the money out the window, in releasing the money and not being attached to who picks it up, or if it falls into a sewer grate, or in a puddle- I was able to also release the meaning of that money.  It no longer meant all the corrupt broken things that I was taught about it (and why I shouldn't throw money out a window!)- instead it meant nothing to me except a piece of paper flying in the air.   On the other end- the person who picked it up could make their own meaning out of the money but it wasn't my job to make the meaning for them.  In fact, it is funny to think that one person's experience of "throwing money out the window!!" is another person's experience of "money is falling from the sky!" 


Posted by Alissa Hauser on Jul 23, 2012

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