I Randomly Came Across Preeta's Notes ...
--Audrey Lin
1 minute read
Apr 28, 2016


I randomly came across Preeta's notes (7 pages long!) for an upcoming Awakin Call guest. It was prefaced with: "I have been blown away by [this guest]. I have read so much about her that I have been mesmerized and a bit at a loss about how to convey her beauty... Sometimes I get waylaid by the truly beautiful folks, and have to pause to move forward."

For some time now, Preeta's been invisibly fueling the weekly Awakin Calls by crafting guest bios. Amid a full work schedule that takes her across all kinds of time zones, rather than just cutting-and-pasting the bios as something to "just get done," she takes the work as a pilgrimage within itself-- and dives deep into each person's journey, thoughtfully pouring through articles and videos for which themes and content to highlight. I was blown away by her traceless work ethic. Thank you, Preeta, for inspiring with your way of being! :)  


Posted by Audrey Lin on Apr 28, 2016

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