Lovely Post On KindSpring's Community Feed ...
1 minute read
Oct 18, 2015


Lovely post on KindSpring's community feed this morning about the power of our transformative space. Grateful and thankful, my friends.

"My husband cannot get over the change in me. Neither can I. I now smile and laugh with all the people who I know and don't know. I have always practiced kindness but now after being involved with KS, it is in so many other wonderful, small ways. I just do the kindness with a full heart, clear head and absolutely no inner demons to upset how I interact with people. I now listen to my husband when he tells me about his day, laugh with him and most of all have found myself forgiving not just people who hurt me beyond belief but forgiving myself for who I was. I kind of like me now. I can let people who aren't right for me, go and in my mind do it with care. I don't want to hurt them, but I want to look after me more. Thank you to all of you here. I absolutely love commenting on your posts and by doing this you make my days fulfilled. A million hugs to all of you."


Posted by Mindyjourney on Oct 18, 2015

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