Delicious Dinner Today I Cooked A Vegetarian ...
--Savraj Thind
1 minute read
Aug 30, 2015


Delicious Dinner
Today I cooked a vegetarian meal for my friend and I. I made Dahl (Indian style lentils) and rice and salad. It was a nutritious meal full of great vegetables like onions, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, potatoes and peas. I decided to make a cucumber and radish salad as well but didn't have a cucumber. My friend asked if I needed anything else for the feast and when I said I could use a cucumber, sour cream and more ginger he was right on it! He said he'd pick up those items while on his bike ride. He asked if I wanted an English or field cucumber and I said that a field cucumber would be nice since they are in season. He came back a couple of hours later with all three items in his backpack. He had to go to more than one store to find a field cucumber! I would have been happy with the English! He just had a total knee replacement a couple of months ago so it was so amazing of him to trek around on his bike to find exactly what I wanted. It made the meal extra tasty and special. I cooked this meal with three added, happiness and gratitude. Delicious!  


Posted by Savraj Thind on Aug 30, 2015