Meditation Last Night I Practiced The ...
--Savraj Thind
1 minute read
Aug 1, 2015


Last night I practiced the full moon meditation with people from all parts of the world. What a wonderful way to collectively send out and count blessings. With each breath I imagined the entire planet being bathed in iridescent moon beams. I began by sending positive energy to family, pets, friends, co-workers, and loved ones who have passed. Then I felt the light being directed towards all of humanity, whether happy, sad, impoverished or at war. I imagined everyone seeing this light and suddenly feeling at peace. I then went on to imagine sprinkles of light showering the entire animal kingdom and all flora and fauna. And when I could feel the entire planet humming with this energy, my mind went outwards and traveled past the atmosphere and into the universe to help direct our light towards everything. A powerful and yet very peaceful feeling to feel so connected with everything. The feelings of rejuvenation still linger with me today.  


Posted by Savraj Thind on Aug 1, 2015