Sing Your Song - Just Do It
2 minute read
Apr 21, 2015


My neighbors and I share a common open green space where kids play, dogs come prancing behind their owners, some elderly folks come to sit on the benches and young people work on their tans as they linger over their conversations or books. This morning, an elderly Chinese man was standing tall by a bench, with his wife apparently doing some Tai-Chi exercises nearby. I had never seen them around before, so thought they must be visiting parents on a holiday. There was no one else around as it was a weekday morning after most people had left for work. He looked around and slipped his feet out of his shoes, standing barefoot, on his shoes. 
He had beautiful posture and looked straight ahead and started to sing. He sang in a deep baritone voice, projecting his voice, as if he was in an amphitheater. It was a song in a language I did not understand. Yet music has a way of its own. I was mesmerized and so moved to just hear him sing out loud, clearly enjoying himself, and very accomplished too. The rich tone and the sweet melody filled the air with joyful life. It made me really happy to hear him sing. Another fellow walked by, and as he passed them, he clapped and seemed to offer a compliment. The song was done. I wanted him to keep singing but they both walked away.
Simply by singing his song he had, unknowingly, shared his gift with me. I enjoyed the moment and was inspired by it. The birds sing without inhibition. Why not humans? If we would all just be unafraid to sing the songs in our heart, literally and metaphorically, I suspect we will spread love out in the world. What made him happy, was a pleasure for me to watch and made my day happier too. I want to let what is in my heart out as simply and gracefully as he did. And I pray that everyone else can sing their heart out loud too. Maybe there will be no one to hear it, maybe there will be someone who hears it joyfully but does not come out to say so even after it inspired them, maybe someone will applaud in passing, and maybe there will be no response from the outer world, but my inner world would be happier from the sheer joy of expressing what my heart cherishes. Just do it. 


Posted by Jyoti on Apr 21, 2015

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