Where Was My Heart That I Can ...
1 minute read
Apr 14, 2015


Where was my heart
That I can feel it opening again?
Was it hidden in the song
Of the feisty plump Carolina wren?
Maybe, was gnarled in the branches
Of the chartreuse leafed trees?
Daffodils nod a yes perhaps
While lilac buds shake their agrees.
Barely contained within my chest
Heart thump thumps and almost flees.
Past the storming sky it wants to run
Freely with awakening April's begun.
Wrapped past this bursting space
Each chaliced tulip bleeds with grace.
Cradled in frog's symphonic trill
My heart is beyond mere measurable fill.
Come with me to the meadow table placed
And we will drink of life greenly laced
Near forsythias gone gold overnight,
And feast from plated silver estuary Light.

Blessings of a spring feast, my friends.


Posted by mindyjourney on Apr 14, 2015

4 Past Reflections