Beautiful Smiles
1 minute read
Mar 31, 2015


I was wandering through a fruit stand today and noticed two women walking in the store. One was leading the way, the other followed slowly with a walker. The second woman was probably in her fifties, too young for a walker, and she had the most beautiful smile.I passed them without giving it too much thought. They left the store before me, and when I left and was walking down the sidewalk, I saw them in their car. This lovely woman was sitting in the passenger's seat, smiling and laughing sweetly as she said, "I never thought it could be this hard to get in a car" -- and laughed and laughed. Amazing, I thought! And I wanted to connect with this lovely energy, so as I passed, I asked if she would like me to close the car door for her. She looked at me and gave me one of her beautiful smiles, and said "Oh yes, that would be wonderful!" I closed the door. She smiled, put her hands together and gifted me with a Namaste bow. She touched my heart and lifted my spirit and left me smiling all day. Such a simple interaction, and I am so grateful for ... full story: Beautiful Smiles


Posted by on Mar 31, 2015