Work + T: Work + T: Healthy Body, Unhealthy Mind?
--Birju Pandya
1 minute read
Feb 27, 2015


This month's 'Work + Transformation' newsletter is themed Healthy Body, Unhealthy Mind?. In this month's issue, some great research on the power of small practices -- which has become increasingly important in my own personal life. That ultimately leads to a broader question of a healthy mind, just as we consider our physical health. From personal to systemic, I enjoyed Berkana's paper on large-scale change. And lastly, an open question around how can we change our compensation programs given all the research that trumps materialism with gratitude. If any of these elicit some thoughts, I would love to hear back from you.



Posted by Birju Pandya on Feb 27, 2015

2 Past Reflections