Went To Visit My Grandmother Yesterday ...
--Mia Tagano
1 minute read
Sep 23, 2014


Went to visit my grandmother yesterday at the nursing home where she now lives...Oh my goodness, she says, long time no see! How did you find me? Sit down, sit down! Saturday we spent almost the entire day together but that day has been forgotten and this is where we are now. When I see her tomorrow, it will be like another reunion. She thinks I am her niece which I don't mind really. We go for a walk down the halls. I hold on to her, she pushes her walker/chair with wheels. At the end of the hall, she complains that she is too tired and sits on her chair so I can push her back. I spin her in circles down the hall since it doesn't really like to go straight any way. We laugh and sing down the hall that usually hears little laughter. As soon as we turn the corner all is forgotten but something new is found. Moment to moment. This is what we have, right here, right now.


Posted by Mia Tagano on Sep 23, 2014

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