Molding Our Lives For A Better Tomorrow.
--Evelyn Figueroa
2 minute read
Aug 21, 2014


Our future is in the hands of the environmental friendly innovations that will even help to make our future sustainable!

Technology has never been the same leading factor in the old days as most humans these days just leap for such devices that are really going to make innovative dreams a reality. This is the motivation that keeps us busy in inventing applications, devices and great options to come up with new ones that can really work into molding our lives for a better tomorrow.

Our aim is to envision a sustainable and equitable global society through reflection on the role of technology during the transition to such a society and in that society’s future. Technology will support and enhance a “good life” for all of its citizens, without compromising the Earth’s ecosystem or the prospects of later generations. And a good life requires essentially that basic human needs are met and aspirations for freedom, belonging, and self-realization are fulfilled as much as possible. It does not necessarily mean the maximization of material production and consumption. Instead of assuming that people want to simply maximize self-interest. “We as institutions and organizations have to cater their deeper motivations”.

Technological innovation in the context of the good life and how it can be supported or threatened, depending on the way technological innovations are influenced and steered by human decisions and institutions.

I mean by a sustainable world that how we live and how we act affect environmental quality. Sustainability requires humans to learn to live within our means, in balance, on a global scale, we must move in that direction because equitable sustainability depends on the aggregate effects of individual choices. We,humans are capable of being guardians for global sustainability, we must act because we alone can choose to make a difference.

                                                              By Evelyn Figueroa.


Posted by Evelyn Figueroa on Aug 21, 2014