Sometimes ...
--Lahar Mehta
1 minute read
Jul 22, 2014


I want to sometimes flow and
Sometimes be still and
Sometimes be quiet and
Sometimes engage and
Sometimes rain and
Sometimes puddle and
Sometimes breeze and
Sometimes shine brightly and
Sometimes grey cloud and
Sometimes be an old deep root Banyan tree saint and
Sometimes be a blade of grass which sways with the wind
and bends to its will and
Sometimes be a big beautiful flower sharing my beauty and
Sometimes be fruitless and flowerless and
Sometimes be fertile soil and
Sometimes be arid desert sand
which blows so easily with the wind and
Sometimes be flowing river and
Sometimes deep deep deep majestic ocean,
harboring in me so much life form and
Sometimes be just a raindrop and
Sometimes be a human being with little doing and
Sometimes a human doing with little being and
Sometimes mother and
Sometimes child and
Sometimes wild free womanly woman and
Sometimes light as spirit and
Sometimes heavy as big rock
and all the time through all of this,
I want to LOVE. 


Posted by Lahar Mehta on Jul 22, 2014

1 Past Reflections