12-yr-old's Letter To The Editor
--Ilonka Wloch
2 minute read
May 14, 2012


In the spring edition of Positive News we have featured a story about a really remarkable woman - German Grandmother Lives without Money for 16 Years.
The other day we got a letter to the editor from a 12-yr-old commenting with remarkable insights on that story. He wrote:

"One day, my English teacher Don Jolly, asked us to pick an article in a newspaper on which we could write a persuasive letter to the editor. Immediately I thought of Positive News. This newspaper has lots of really cool ideas. I looked through the paper and found the article about how Heidemarine, a German grandmother who lived without money for sixteen years, impressive! After I read that article I wanted to share my thoughts with you about how we could change and not use money, just trade.

The first reason why my parents and I think that living without money is a great idea is because like Heidemarine said it allows an opportunity to show that you don’t have to use money, you could just trade and no one would be “rich” but they would be rich with the experience of trade and would have everything that we need to live. Another reason why trade is honorable is because it allows people to truly be who they are to contribute their the talents and abilities to the community. On the other hand some people who disagree with me, say that trade is a second-hand idea because when you have money it is easier to travel rather than having to carry all your trading items from place to place, but if everyone was content with were they lived, trading would be a wonderful idea.

So as you can see, different people have different opinions. I think trading is definitely a first-class idea. Some people think trading is good because people would not have to go to a job from 9-5 they would just trade. This would allow people to be who they truly are so they can contribute to the community in their own special way. So to accomplish this trading society people would have to follow their calling and do what they love to do. If we could accomplish this it would be a happy give and take society. ~Star Wyrzykowski"


Posted by Ilonka Wloch on May 14, 2012

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