Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: As fall transitions into winter, these articles shed light on the learning that transpires in the presence of following the realization "I don't know," when a school convenes around kindness, and a teacher who offers messages of gratitude to start students' day. --Daniela

Benefits of "I Don't Know"

A study of high school students finds that the more willing a student is to admit they don't know, the more motivated they are to learn.

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On World Kindness Day...

Last week, on World Kindness Day, on junior school in London reflections on the power of kindness in their lives.

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Morning Post-Its

Every morning, 10 year-olds shuffle into Mr. Z's classroom. As they ready for their morning assignment, little square post-its fill each desk -- a personalized note of gratitude to begin their day.

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Be The Change Idea

As the first story inspires, shift your focus from defining answers to holding questions. [more]