Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: As summer fades into autumn, the stories below return to the classroom with renewed lenses, unfold stories of design, and reflect on trends in teen summer jobs. --Daniela

Note To Self: In The Classroom As A Novice

College lecturer, Brinda Govindan returns to the classroom, and receives a stunning 'aha' moment on the power of empathizing with students.

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An Intruiging Design Problem

Across decades of office hours, Bill Burnett and Dave Evans noticed that people get 'stuck' with the age-old question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Soon after, one of Stanford's most popular classes was born: "Design Your Life".

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Decline Of The Summer Job

An intriguing trend in summer work: less than half (42%) of teens hold a summer job today in the U.S., compared to 72% in 1978. With the gig economy and rising quests in higher ed, is the way teens spend summer changing, too?

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Be The Change Idea

As the first story inspires, deepen in the viewpoints of others today. Before a class, presentation, or meeting, take time to picture yourself in the shoes of your students and colleagues.