Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: What makes a good life? India's capital city, Yale's most popular class, and good ol' Mr. Rogers share more. --Daniela

Delhi's Happiness Class

"Have we been able to deliver best-of-the-best human beings to society, to the nation?" asks Delhi's education minister. A traditionally test-based system trains 21,000 educators across to pilot classes on happiness.

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Yale's Best Attended Class

"Professor Laurie Santos didn't set out to create the most popular course in the history of Yale University, and the most talked-about college course in the U.S. She just wanted her students to be happy." Adam Sternbergh summarizes key highlights from the course.

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Mr. Roger's Legacy of Love

After educational television icon Mr. Roger's passing in 2003, research has increasingly backed his message that people who express love and kindness increasingly lead healthier lives.

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Be The Change Idea

Reflect on 5 things for which you are grateful today. [more]