Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: From a mystery items with first graders to connecting global classrooms to tossing a gratitude emoji ball, these educators find diverse avenues to deepen in empathy. --Daniela

From Adjectives to Empathy

"In first grade, it takes a lot of energy for some of us to understand how other people are feeling. Sometimes we can say things that sound mean, but we didn't mean it to come out that way, so we ... talk about being careful with our words." Samantha Farella brings in a pillowcase filled with "mystery objects" to teach her first graders adjectives and empathy.

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Connecting Global Students

To foster empathy between different people and different cultures, Daniel Lubetzky built a free video-conferencing and digital learning platform, with interactive lesson plans designed to connect students around the globe.

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Toss the Gratitude Emoji Ball

When a friend gifts her a beach ball, Tanuka Gordon transforms it into an insightful icebreaker game on a visit to a local middle school.

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Be The Change Idea

Foster deeper perspective by making it a practice to invite colleagues or students to share about their life journeys.