Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: As September eases into Autumn, educators reflect, experiment, and refine new tools for deeper learning -- from a transcript without grades to classroom-friendly mindfulness practices to the potential of ordinary, anonymous acts of compassion. --Daniela

A Grade-less Transcript

"When you get to the point where 75% of kids have a 4.0 grade-point average, that's meaningless." A crew of high schools across the US are joining forces to design new transcripts that replace the traditional letter grading system.

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Mindfulness for Educators

The New York Times kicks off the school year with practical tools for educators and students to benefit from mindfulness at school.

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Secret Kindness Agents

Can a modest act of compassion really change the course of a life? Ferial Pearson posed the question to her students. They didn't know, but they were willing to find out. And a league of secret kindness agents was born.

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Be The Change Idea

As the second story inspires, take a few mindful minutes every so often today to just be aware of your breath, or to notice where your mind focuses its attention.