Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: What kind of learning happens when the strange and distant suddenly become intimately familiar? These pieces highlight teachable moments that unfold in building bridges with the unknown -- from wild animals to distant cultures to strangers in a shopping center. --Daniela

Teach Me To Be Wild

When a crew of troubled teens forge unlikely friendships with wounded wildlife -- including a one-eyed owl, Andean condor, two-toed sloth, and beyond -- timeless lessons unfold.

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The Karuna Project

Ward Maillard's high school seniors embark on a 2-week learning journey oceans away -- and learn about themselves and their common humanity in a very different culture.

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Compassion Chocolate

On a cold, drizzly day, 4 high schoolers -- the "Compassionate Chocolate Crew" -- head to a local shopping center armed with batches of hot cocoa, and offer it to passerby. Their mission? To spread smiles in the community.

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Be The Change Idea

Connect with a person, animal, or lifeform very different from yourself.