Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: From classrooms convening in virtual spheres to those governed in real time in person, and everywhere in-between, the use of tech in education runs a wide spectrum. These stories explore the possibility and bounds of technology as a tool to transform learning. --Daniela

Exchanging Language and Love

A Brazilian language school pairs up with a Chicago retirement community-- forging unlikely friendships that exchange much more than words.

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7 Principals to Transform Higher Ed

From computer screens to city streets, MIT's U.Lab explores a new kind of online instruction-- one where its 28K students self-organize into hubs for deeper learning around the globe.

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Case For A Tech-Free Classroom

Clay Shirkey is a "pretty unlikely candidate for internet censor." Yet the NYU Media Studies professor is clear: a device-free class creates engaged students and focused discussion.

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Be The Change Idea

Experiment with the other side of your tech spectrum. If you're usually tech-free, integrate digital media into a lesson plan. If screens are omnipresent in your classroom, teach a class entirely in person today.