Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: From a kindergarten that literally walks towards compassionate communities, to a school that boosts academics by upping recess time, to teaching techniques that plop students in the driver's seat of their own learning -- these pieces invite us to reflect on the relationship between academics and on-the-ground learning. --Daniela

5 Year-Olds Build Community

Ms. Hathaway's kindergarten class takes walks around town. Along the way, they mail letters to wish strangers well, pick up litter, and visit elderly friends in the neighborhood.

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Recess: A Teaching Tool?

At a time when learning hours are saturated with competing academic demands, one elementary school adds extra recess periods, everyday, with striking results.

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When Students Feel Powerful

"How can you get students to identify what they need and want to discuss rather than summarizing it for them?" From amplifying strengths to fostering reflection, Amy Eva offers up six ideas.

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Be The Change Idea

As the second story inspires, schedule in short breaks with your class or while working on your own today. [more]