Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: With work trends indicating that a majority of today's youth will be freelancers or in a project-based profession, the ability to handle complexity, uncertainty, and both lead diverse teams and work independently, are vital skills of the future. From a deeper look at "growth" mindset, to intriguing research on project-based learning, to a school where students choose to learn on snow days -- these articles shed light on ways to teach to our times. --Daniela

How Praise Became A Consolation Prize

Carol Dweck's research popularized the concepts of "fixed" and "growth" mindset. In this interview, she clarifies its nuances, explaining the "false growth mindset," and the value of process (rather than outcome) praise.

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Teaching for a Project-Based World

With a rising "gig economy," where a third of American workers are engaged in some kind of freelance work, educators research how to incorporate project-based learning into their teaching.

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Snow Day Learning

At one school in Maine, every student has an independent project they work on at home -- some create websites, others restore a World War II-era ambulance, another develops a prosthetic hand. Even on snow days, self-directed learning keeps school in session.

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Be The Change Idea

As the first article inspires, reflect on a mistake or "failure" by asking what you learned from the experience. [more]