Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: In times of rapidly fluctuating technological, social, and political landscapes, slowing down to tune into our deeper values easily gets swept to the wayside. These stories below highlight schools that pause and redirect their course to shine light on deeper values of stillness, positivity, and the unity of our human spirit. --Daniela

When Teachers Instill Stillness

Roosevelt High had reached an apex of anxiety, with student breakdowns at an all-time high, ADD diagnoses on the rise, and two student suicides in two years. In response, the school added a 20-min pause to the school's schedule everyday, and weekly lessons on mindfulness, with compelling results.

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Dubai Schools Share #100DaysOfPositiivty

In October, Dubai's Minister of State for Happiness leveraged social media to encourage schools to cultivate a culture of positive learning across the nation. As the half-way mark approaches, various school voices reflect on the response.

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Students Up Their Unity

In the wake of a divisive US presidential election, one high school unleashes a remarkable display of respect, empathy, and acceptance across differences -- thanking 100+ teachers with colorful banners and flowers, decorating over 10K lunch bags for a bus-load of food donations, and circulating positive reminders over intercom.

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Be The Change Idea

Set aside time to prioritize your values. Take breaks to cultivate stillness, voice gratitude for others, or make someone's day with an anonymous act of kindness.