Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: When you think of a moment when you learned a lesson that stuck, what were the conditions that created it? Oftentimes, deep learning catches us by surprise, unfolding in the space between things -- the silence between words, the conversations between class, the echoes between memories. From indoor classrooms to outdoor free play to aquatic sea creatures, these stories invite us to ponder how to create the conditions for lessons that stick. --Daniela

Learning To Go Inside

"I'm feeling creative...I wonder how the colors red and orange mix together." Students at this unique middle school learn how to reflect on their current state, what they need, and how to plan and use their time well in a 45-min Flex Time period.

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Playing Out

In Bristol, UK, two mothers wanted to give their children the same opportunities for free play outdoors as they had when they were young. So they created play spaces in their neighborhood starting with short after-school road closures, as witnessed in the joy-filled video on "Playing Out".

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Teaching Lessons From Seals

For 40 years, Kathy Streeter has developed her own approach to teaching marine mammals -- a method that includes individualized education plans, and a mix of traditional command-based teaching and a Montessori-like approach, where the student's interests guide the session.

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Be The Change Idea

Give yourself 'flex time' this week. Whether it's 15 minutes or a whole afternoon, carve out unstructured space to nurture a budding interest or curiosity.