Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Learning happens everywhere, in all forms and disguises. Whether in a student-driven class project, learning about the letter "E" on Sesame Street, or a routine story time at the barber shop -- these articles bring to light the power of simply holding space for learning to bloom. --Daniela

Show (Not Tell) Teaching

10th grade teacher Stefany Bolanos "teaches with his mouth shut". Instead of tightly controlling the learning process, he becomes a silent observer, "creating circumstances" that allow students to find their own solutions.

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E is for Empathy

Sesame Street's educational nonprofit finds that the majority of some 2,500 parents and teachers surveyed "overwhelmingly felt that being kind was more important than having high academic achievement".

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It Takes a Village: Barber Shop Reading Lessons

7-year-old Jozef came for a mohawk, but his dad chose this barbershop over all the others in town for a different reason: here, kids get a $2 discount if they read a book aloud to their barber.

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Be The Change Idea

Hold space to learn something new today. Observe your daily environment with fresh eyes, or listen to someone with an open curiosity. [more]