Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: From 5 minutes to find an arrowhead at a gas station, to creative short activities that spark the brain at the start of class, to the unparalleled power of being present for kids -- these stories reflect on creating conditions that give rise to pivotal moments of childhood discovery. --Daniela

Spark of Science: Childhood Discovery

Kirk Johnson recounts a turning point in his career at the age of 6 -- before earning his Ph.D. or directing Smithsonian Natural Museum of Natural History -- when his mom gave him 5 minutes to play at a rest stop.

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Ring Their Bells: 10 Activities To Start Class

"Bell work" -- shortened assignments that begin class as students trickle in -- traditionally consists of content reviews, silent reading, or finishing assignments. Dr. Lori Desautels offers up 10 creative bell work activities that engage the brain for longer-term learning.

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Breathing Love Into Community

Moving back to the inner city neighborhood where they grew up, Atman, Ali, and Andres fuel a hub of compassion in schools. Amid mindfulness and yoga lessons, the core of their work lies in "being present for the kids."

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Be The Change Idea

As the series in the first story inspires, ask a mentor or person whose qualities you admire what initially inspired them to do what they do.