Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: From the streets of San Francisco to the heart of East London to a rural mountaintop of Colombia, three very different schools infuse the qualities of compassion, self-awareness, and curiosity into the classroom. --Daniela

High School Kindness Adventures

College sophomore, Isabel, reports and reflects on the value of an annual "Kindness Day" at her high school alma mater.

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Wellbeing at School 21

With 49% of students on free and reduced lunch, London's School 21 connects student success to their robust wellbeing curriculum.

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The "Art of Living Together"

Nine thousand feet up the Colombian Andes, a one-room schoolhouse blends cutting-edge education techniques with 'convivencia': the art of living together.

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Be The Change Idea

Take time to share a story or engage an activity that cultivates self-awareness, compassion and curiosity. [more]