Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: As August melts into September, classroom creativity and character education skyrocket into action -- such as when reprimands are replaced with "mindful moments," students produce a video on their shared humanity, and schools across the globe march to the beat of new modes of learning. --Daniela

The Mindful Moment Room

Instead of sending students who act out to the principal's office, one elementary school in West Baltimore directs them to the Mindful Moment Room.

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Because I'm Human

Students of the Santa Fe School for Arts and Sciences compose an award-winning 2-minute message of tolerance, respect, and diversity: "I'm human, just like you."

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15 Schools Doing Something Different

From a floating school to one camouflaged in greenery, individualized learning plans to lessons that play with fire, this worldwide sampling of schools highlight the unlimited possibilities of creative learning.

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Be The Change Idea

As the second story inspires, notice the common ground you share with students or colleagues, neighbors or strangers today [more].