Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: While academics have been the traditional metric of student success, a burgeoning emphasis on values is infusing classrooms. These pieces dive into research on the impact of "soft skills", activities that nurture school climate, and the heartwarming case of a spontaneous student apology. --Daniela

Success in "Soft" Skills

"There's a growing and new understanding of what it takes to be successful as an adolescent and an adult." A Duke University study explores how learning "soft" skills like compassion and self-control influence at-risk youth.

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4 Activities For A Positive School Climate

"Schools are a slice of humanity: Everyone brings both their wonderful innate goodness and their challenging globby muck to the classroom." Vicki Zakrzewski offers 4 research-based practices to create a supportive school culture.

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Apologizing With Kindness

As an anti-bullying class activity, students write positive messages to each other. One student takes the opportunity to craft a thoughtful card for a classmate he harmed, and offers it up as a heartfelt apology.

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Be The Change Idea

Bring your full presence to each conversation and situation today. Practice active listening, or look for the hidden gifts of others.